The Truth Behind Real Estate Advertisement Photographs: How Accurate Are They?
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The Truth Behind Real Estate Advertisement Photographs: How Accurate Are They?

Updated: 3 days ago

So, you're considering the leap of faith—trusting the photographs in real estate advertisements and purchasing a property sight unseen. But can you truly believe what you see?

We've been inspecting properties for over 20 years and we've noticed one thing. What you see may not be what you get. While most real estate advertisements present a largely realistic portrayal of the properties, there's often more than meets the eye.

Take a moment to analyze this recently listed property in a sought-after blue chip South East Melbourne suburb.

Never buy sight unseen. Get a on-site inspection.
Room A: Actual photograph taken at the property

Never buy sight unseen. Get real on-site inspection for under $300.
Room B: The Same room in the real estate advertisements

How accurate are real estate photographs

Now, let's play a game of "Spot the difference". Compare Room A and Room B. Is this clever photography, creative manipulation, or perhaps "generative" photography in modern AI terms?

Which room would you prefer?

Let's look at the obvious differences:

  1. Notice the major omission of the construction right next to the living room. It is conveniently absent from the advertisement but a site visit shows otherwise. A double story new townhouse is looming over the property in reality. When complete, the neighbour will be peering over the fence into your living room. This is a major privacy concern with most buyers. And this is one of the many things we watch out for during property inspections.

  2. Other subtle differences like a different wall picture, a resized coffee table, and a lowered ceiling height all contribute to creating the illusion of spaciousness in the advertisement.

So, now you have the answers to the question: Should you trust a real estate photograph? How accurate are the real estate photographs? Are you willing to take the risk of buying sight unseen?

The answer is an obvious no. While state regulations require the photographs must not give a false impression of the property, it does not ban creative use of camera tricks, camera lens. As for anything outside the property, it is a gray area, up for interpretation.

We have also seen real estate agents cleverly hide or avoid photographs of places with imperfections or even defects. We seen bent lintels over doors and windows which are cleverly hidden behind curtains or bright lights. We seen termite damaged and flood damaged floors and walls not showing up in photographs.

What can you do to avoid sneaky real estate advertisement?

There is unfortunately no other ways to definitively know what the property looks like without an on-site inspection. An on-site inspection may not be as expensive as you think. Investing a small amount upfront for peace of mind could save you from potential surprises down the line.

As builder trained buyers advocates, when we inspect properties, we also perform visual checks to assess the structural integrity and common faults. This helps interested buyers avoid engaging expensive formal inspections when there are clues of major defects.

Our 3-in-1 inspections:

  1. Assess the property against buyers requirements.

  2. Assess the property for aesthetics, common concerns, superstitions, feng shui.

  3. Assess the property for major structural issues.

After all, what's a few hundred dollars when you are risking a million-dollar home purchase? The choice is yours.

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